
The second intervention of the collective VISUAL PUBLIC SERVICE was called “Mirrors”. After a very hard year for the city of Valparaiso, due to a devastating fire that burnt hundreds of houses, we approached the local community interviewing over a hundred people of different backgrounds and walks of life, with questions of emotional content that searched for their vision of living in the Port.

Selected answers of these questions were animated and projected around the main commercial areas, the hills and the harbour with its cargo ships in peak times of the weekend. The goal of this intervention was to show in the urban space of this port, portraits of the less seen inhabitants so that the other locals and the visiting masses saw a snapshot of how their peers see everyday life. The city found their party areas and touristic attractions all covered up with strong common life phrases that animated themselves generating a sharp/funny/crude diagnose of real “Valpo” locals.


Year: 2014

Space: Harbour and streets of the port

Location: Valparaiso, Chile

VPS is also: Santiago Elordi, Kate MacDonald and Sebastián Garrido

Support: Third year students of the school of design of the Universidad Finis Terrae

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Skills: Artist